당신의 PC에 CardRecoveryPro를 설치하려면 다음 단계를 따르시기 바랍니다.

select 원하는 언어
하고 "확인"버튼을 클릭하십시오.
하고 "확인"버튼을 클릭하십시오.

CardRecoveryPro의 설치를 완료하려면 지침을 따르십시오.

당신의 메모리 카드를 스캔 바탕 화면에 CardRecoveryPro 아이콘을 클릭하십시오.

Credits of CardRecoveryPro:
Many cool open source programs were use in cardrecoverypro, and thanks to all these programs authors:
Libraw: http://www.libraw.org/, source code here, They have 3 license options, we choose LGPL(GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2.1), See file LGPL for details.
GrandRecovery 0.1: http://fly.s31.xrea.com/, source code here, this program released under GPL(GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE) 2.0 or later,See GPL for details.
Zlib:http://zlib.net/, source code here, zlib license here
Tinyxml:http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml, source code here, use the same license as zlib.
Curl:http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/, source code here, the license is "AS IS" basis.
Windows Template Library - WTL version 8.1, license under CPL1.0, see CPL for details.
Lionsea software didn't modify any of the source code of the program(or lib) above in this product relase, CardRecoveryPro is comply with all above programs license.
Many cool open source programs were use in cardrecoverypro, and thanks to all these programs authors:
Libraw: http://www.libraw.org/, source code here, They have 3 license options, we choose LGPL(GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2.1), See file LGPL for details.
GrandRecovery 0.1: http://fly.s31.xrea.com/, source code here, this program released under GPL(GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE) 2.0 or later,See GPL for details.
Zlib:http://zlib.net/, source code here, zlib license here
Tinyxml:http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml, source code here, use the same license as zlib.
Curl:http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/, source code here, the license is "AS IS" basis.
Windows Template Library - WTL version 8.1, license under CPL1.0, see CPL for details.
Lionsea software didn't modify any of the source code of the program(or lib) above in this product relase, CardRecoveryPro is comply with all above programs license.